Tuesday 24 December 2013

And so this is Christmas...

As mentioned in a previous blog post, I love Christmastime. This isn’t just because of the excitement of gift-giving (although I do enjoy this tradition!), the over-indulging on scrumptious food or being surrounded by family I often don’t see from one year to the next, but the embracing of a sense of magic into our everyday lives. It’s the one time of year that adults of all ages let their guard down and embrace the fun and whimsy that the festive season brings.

I recently watched a TV program about the history of Christmas traditions, where I discovered it wasn’t until the Victorian times that the focus shifted to children. Before then, adults celebrated the season by playing games, singing carols, eating ridiculous amounts of food and were not ashamed to be silly and merry. These days, it’s easy to feel that Christmas is only for children, but as long as we keep the festive spirit, the season can, and should, be celebrated by all ages.

It is the little touches that keep the spirit alive as adults: the singing of carols around a decorated tree, watching our favourite Christmas movies, keeping secrets from family members as we plot and plan their presents and the elaborate tales we tell children to help make them believe in Santa.

When I was searching through a box of Christmas decorations this year, I found a letter I’d received from Santa as a child. There had been no question in my mind that Santa had taken the time to write to me and it wasn’t until many years later that I noticed his signature was very similar to my father’s. To this day, when I look at this letter, I feel the magic of Christmas—the fun, joy and enchantment of the season. It’s the one time we invite fantasy and real magic into our homes.

My treasured letter from Santa

However you choose to celebrate the holidays, I wish you and your family a healthy and happy festive season and wonderful new year. Also, thank you so much for reading my blog; it’s a great early Christmas present from you to me. J

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